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Onne Customs generates ₦550bn, facilitates export worth $826m, seizes illicit drugs worth ₦46bn DPV



Customs Area 2 Command Onne, Compt Babandede

Comptroller M Babandede led Customs Area 2 Command Onne has generated a total revenue of Five hundred and Fifty Billion, Four hundred and Thirty-One Million, Five Hundred and Fifty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Ninety-Eight naira, Forty-One kobo (₦550,431,559,598.41) which translate to 89% of the annual target of 618 Billion given to the Command”.

The Command also facilitated exportation worth Eight Hundred and Twenty-six Million, Six Hundred and Thirteen, Fifteen US dollar and Eighty-seven Cents ($826,613,015.87) and series of seizure of twenty 40feet and one 20feet containers laden with illicit drugs worth Forty-six Billion, Three Hundred and Ninety-nine Million, One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ten naira (₦46,399,119,810) in DPV within the last two months and seven days.

In an e-signed statement, the Comptroller stated that the huge seizure was possible through the CGC policy of thrust of consolidation and collaboration with Sister Agencies.

The Statement gave a breakdown of the seizure as follows:

a. 2,624,053 bottles of 100ml Cough Syrup Codeine
b. 7,530,000 tablets of 50mg Really Extra Diclofenac
c. 3,500,000 tablets of 5mg Trodol Benzhexol
d. 27,048,900 tablets of 225mg Royal Tapentadol/ Tramadol/Tamolx
e. 7,665,000 tablets of 200ml fake/counterfeit Gonorrhea Antibiotics without NAFDAC number
e. 15,600,000 tablets of fake 4mg chlorphenamine
f. 33,840,00 tablets of 2mg fake Lemotil Loperamine
b. 19,430 pieces of Chilly cutter used for concealment
e. 20,238 pieces of Sanitary Fittings Tap/toilet seat used for concealment
f. 26,400 tubes of 30mg fake Permethrin cream
g. 480,000 tablets of fake Stapsiril
h. 112,500 tablets of fake multi mineral supplement
i. 28 drums of diphenhydramine Hydrochloride ip of 25kg each
j. 3,388 pieces of waste connector used for concealment
k. 2,100 pieces of Donkey Skin

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“The Duty paid Value of the twenty-one containers totals ₦46,399,119,810, while the Duty paid value for the donkey skin is ₦441,000,000
These seizures underscore our unwavering commitment to combatting illicit medicine and ensuring the safety of the public.

“The implementation of this state of emergency by the CGC has proven effective in enhancing our operational capabilities and ensuring that we can act decisively against those who seek to undermine our nation’s security.”

“Still on Anti-smuggling activities, the Command under my stewardship this year, including these seizures on display has now made a total seizure of 63 containers comprising of:
– 844 Riffles
– 112,500 pieces of live ammunition
– Over 6,469,253 bottles of 100ml syrup with codeine
– Over 56,878,900 tablets of 225mg Royal Tapentadol /Tramadol/Tamolx

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“Among others for violations or contraventions of various customs laws and breach of procedures as provided under the revised import prohibition guidelines of the Common External Tariff 2022-2026, as well as Sections 233, 234, 235, 245, 246 of Nigeria Customs Service Act 2023. The Duty Paid Value of the seizures made so far is ₦130,562,660,407.

“In the area of Trade facilitation, the Command utilizes World Customs Organization trade facilitation tool to generate maximum revenue which is referred to as Time Release Study (TRS)

“The result of utilizing this tool within the past months of this year has been unprecedented.

“In the area of Export, you would agree with me that export play a crucial role in any nation’s economy and Nigeria relaying on it promotes economic growth, job creation and provides favourable balance of trade and exchange rate for the naira to the dollar.

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“In the Command a total of 2,436,408.33 Metric tonnes of goods with a free on board (FOB) value of $826,613,015.87 was processed through the Command.

“Still within the past months of this year, in the Area of revenue, the Command as at this morning has generated a total revenue of Five hundred and Fifty Billion, Four hundred and Thirty-One Million, Five hundred and Fifty-Nine thousand, Five hundred and Ninety-Eight naira, Forty-One kobo (₦550,431,559,598.41) which translate to 89% of the annual target of 618 Billion given to the Command”.

Comptroller Babandede thanked the media for its critical role, “especially in the area of sensitization and public enlightenment, in order to achieve willful compliance to trade laws of all imports and export through this Command”.

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